What is the difference between early breast and ovarian cancer detection and prevention?
Preventative removal of the ovaries and the fallopian tubes may reduce the chances of ovarian cancer by 90%, and if done before menopause, can reduce the risk of breast cancer as well. Mastectomy can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 90%. Hormone blocking or chemo...
What are the next steps when seeking follow-up?
Your family physician and/or the genetic counsellor will refer you to an OBGYN who specializes in surgical preventative removal of breasts and/or ovaries and fallopian tubes. It is solely your choice as to whether you pursue surgery, hormone therapy, chemo or...
If you test positive for RAD51C, what are the implications for family members?
It is important to share your results with family members as your siblings have a 50% chance of inheriting the same gene mutation, and your children have a 50% chance. Rarely does a child inherit two non-working copies of RAD51C from sperm and egg. This results in a...